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What is bridge? > It's fun!

Bridge is the world's most widespread card game, which is suitable for everyone regardless of age, gender or status.

Players love bridge for its challenge and sociability. Nettibridge is also social.


Yes, you can learn the game too, because millions around the world already play bridge. You can dose your needs to suit you: You only play at home with friends, you can also go to club nights or even play competitions. Or would you become the next World Champion like Erik Hansson in the under-21 series?!

The gameplay is challenging enough to make it interesting as well. Learning takes a lifetime - you always learn something new, or re-learn what you forgot. Bridge is like riding a bicycle - once you learn it...

You make friends all over the world. Online gaming has raised its head high.

Memory games have been researched to reduce memory disorders in old age.

Bridge on hauskaa
Bridge ehkäisee vanhuuden aivosairauksia.
Bridge sopii kaikenikäisille.
Aloita bridgen pelaaminen jo nuorena.
Bridgeä pelataan Olympiatasolla.
Bridge on urheilua

Erik Hansson under 21 MM

Suitable for all ages.

Bridge is fun

You can play in competitions.

Bridgeä voit pelata myös sociaalisesti kotona.
Bridgeä voi pelata netissä.

... or at home.

You can play online...

Kultaine tausta.jpg

Bridge develops

Bridge develops both learning and mathematical skills:

Mathematical ability:

  • Basic arithmetic skills - addition and subtraction

  • Probability calculation and certainty

Thinking and Reasoning:

  • Task solution

  • Concentration

  • Logical reasoning ability

  • Selective memory

  • Reasoning ability

  • Changing strategy based on new evidence

Language and communication:

  • Explanation and justification of action

  • Participating in group discussions

  • Asks relevant questions

  • Develops constructive and helpful criticism


  • Takes part, listens, gives others the opportunity to participate 

  • Develops a relationship through shared learning

  • Learning to win and lose competitions 

  • Behaves like a responsible citizen - increases competitive ethics and helps others learn

  • Resolving conflicts

Bridge works for the school like:

  • Class learning improves, for example in mathematics lessons 

  • Activity increases

  • Self-study is increasing

Bridge develops
What is bridge

Bridge has been scientifically proven to increase well-being

Made of Bridgeresearchadd e.g. well-being.

Below are the results of five authentic studies, according to which bridge affects the well-being of players in many different ways and they present the positive effects of playing.

Bridge increases well-being

The Finnish model of hobby

WCB is involved with the Ministry of Education The Finnish model of hobby in the project. In the project, we aim to bring bridge to schools as a hobby that we teach and play online.

If your school is not yet involved in the project, ask your principal if it is possible for you to learn bridge at your school.

Harrastuksen Suomen malli
About Bridge

How do I learn bridge?

The best way to get the hang of it is to take a beginner's course.  WCB Online Club organizes online courses. See here for more details.

See the table below for the bridge club in your area and contact us. The names contain links to the contact person's email or the club's website. (the table is 2 pages long, scroll if necessary)

Playing bridge is also organized

World Bridge Federation -WBForganizes the World Cup

European Bridge Association -EBLorganizes the European Championships

(all continents have their own federation)

Finnish Bridge Association -SBLorganizes the SM competitions.

About bridge

Finnish bridge clubs

Finnish clubs
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